Stephen Gregory
Southern University A&M
A 3rd year student at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. My academic major is Music Education. My love for music has driven me to learn multiple instruments including the alto saxophone, the French horn, and the trumpet. At Southern University, I am an active member in both the Human Jukebox Marching Band and the Wind Ensemble Concert Band. Maintaining a high level of musical excellence is at the forefront of my college career. At school I oftentimes find myself running sectional rehearsals and aiding my band directors in any way possible. Completing these tasks wholeheartedly will hopefully bring my career as a music educator to fruition. One of my academic goals is to earn a Master’s Degree in a music discipline. Becoming a music educator would allow me to share my knowledge of music with a generation of young and creative minds. Giving back all of the many skills that I have honed over the years truly completes me as a person.